Younes Baba Ali
http://www.younesbabaali.com Caroussa Sonore, 2014 Carroussa Sonore – Rabat from Younes Baba-Ali on Vimeo. Project of broadcasting sound art in public space Sound installation Rabat – 2012 Originally, the “caroussa” was an object with a specific function: for sale, spread cd’s broadcasting Koranic verses in the streets of religion. We are dealing with a kind of religious marketing, stems from the intuition that the sound both oral and musical is an interactive material which determines the physical space. In front to it, we do not have eyes, but ears widely open to information, sometimes missing critical distance. Carroussa Sonore is a curatorial and artistic project of Younes Baba Ali, this intuition becomes awareness. Made out of a cart created out of salvaged material, equipped with a battery for powering an audio player, an amplifier and speakers as a module the “carroussa” keeps its original appearance and function of sound broadcasting in the public space, but presents a panorama of contemporary sound design selected according to context (from spoken word to soundscape, from experimental music to radio art) and implicitly becomes a way of raising the awareness of listening. In a society characterized by a visual saturation Carroussa Sonore offers a different time, a moving and ephemeral aesthetic experience. At each step, it draws through the sound a new cartography of the city lasting the time of listening. Artists : Zouheir Atbane, Gaël Segalen, Blenno die wurstbrucke, Raphaël Charpentié, Younes Atbane, Simohammed Fettaka, Anna Raimondo, Giancarlo Norese, Younes Baba-Ali, Youssef Ouchra, Kyop Jeong, Simohammed Laouli, Rohan Graeffly, Angus Carlyle, Stefano Giannotti. Televendita HD video 16/9 Lenght : 29’25” Courtesy of the artist and FAMA Gallery (It) Televendita from Younes Baba-Ali on Vimeo. Televendita is a collaboration with Alessandro Orlando, the most popular Italian TV art salesmen. The video consists of a TV sale of a selection of Baba-Ali’s works, asking for the direct
participation of the viewer, invited to call to the show to buy them. Using the typical language of TV market shows, this project proposes an ironic view on the complex relation between art and market. Younes Baba Ali (1986, Oujda) lives and works in Brussels & Casablanca. After graduating from the School of Decorative Arts in Strasbourg in 2008 and from the Ecole Supérieure d’Art d’Aix-en-provence in 2011, he has participated in several international exhibitions and biennials such as the Biennale of Marrakech ‘AIM’; the Biennale Skopje BJCEM; Sketch Gallery, London; “FIAV 09”, Catania; “Brick & Mortar International Video Art Festival”, Greenfield; Espacio Menos Uno, Madrid; Loop Video Art Festival, Barcelona; Interference, Breda; CEAAC, Stras- bourg, In-Sonora Sound Art Festival, Madrid and La Galerie du Syndicat Potentiel, Strasbourg.