Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung (PhD), born in 1977 in Yaoundé, Cameroon, is an independent art curator and biotechnologist. He is the founder and artistic director of the non-profit art space SAVVY Contemporary Berlin – a laboratory for conceptual, intellectual, and artistic production and exchange that takes up the challenge of investigating the ‘threshold’ between, as well as critically reflecting on and questioning discourses around “Western art” and “non-Western art”. SAVVY Contemporary has been host for exhibition projects with works by artists of various generations and geographies from Nastio Mosquito or Nikhil Chopra to Bruce Nauman or Mike Kelley, and presentations by Koyo Kouoh and Roger Buergel or Georges Adeagbo. SAVVY Contemporary was winner of the Berlin Senate’s Prize for art spaces 2013. Ndikung is also the initiator and editor-in-chief of the journal SAVVY|art.contemporary.african, the first bilingual e-journal on contemporary African art. He has presented in or cooperated in different projects with institutions like the Berlinische Galerie, Tensta Konsthal Sweden, Goethe Institute, Institute für Auslandsbeziehung (ifa), Kunstraum Kreuzberg /Bethanien, Arsenal Berlin, 7. Berlin Biennale, dOCUMENTA 13 / Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, District Berlin. Pauline Doutreluingne, born in 1982 in Kortrijk, Belgium, is an independent art curator, visual researcher and Sinologist based in Berlin, Germany. She studied Sinology at Ghent University and focused her master thesis on experimental Chinese art and post-Orientalism. She went to Beijing in 2004 to do a master in art criticism at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. She was the founder of the Borderline Moving Images Festival in Beijing and assistant director at Platform China Contemporary Art Institute. In 2007 she moved back to Europe and installed herself in Berlin where she continues curatorial contributions to international exhibitions, museum catalogues (FRAC NPDC), art magazines and film screenings. In 2009, she cofounded the artistic collective mindpirates, and undertook the visual research for the film Problema. Within Mindpirates she initiated the Mindpirates Projektraum where she curated many exhibitions and projects, published publications and build a strong network of artists and audience around the mindpirates. This is the third large curatorial collaboration between Bonaventure Ndikung and Pauline Doutreluingne. Previously they co-curated the group exhibitions Settled Nomads – Nomadic Settlers in Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlin and Positioning Osmotic Impulses in the former Prison Neukölln –Berlin. ASSISTANT CURATORS Anneli von Klitzing, born 1990 in Munich, Germany, is a design student and a musician. After spending a year in Australia and working as an assistant curator in Barcelona, Spain, she is now based in Berlin since 2011. With great interest in the arts she is completing her 6 month internship at the Mindpirates artists collective as assistant curator and production assistant at the end of September 2013 to continue her studies in communication and design. In the publication of two artist- and exhibition books she was part of the production management and photographic documenation. After finishing her studies presumably in june 2014 she wants to continue with her idealistic idea to make the world a better place and create awareness through working within the arts in a political, sociological or research-based way. Gauthier Lesturgie (born in 1990 in France) is an independent curator and art historian based in Berlin (Germany). He studied art history specialized in contemporary art in Rennes University (France) supervised by Jean-Marc Poinsot and Elvan Zabunyan. He did curatorial master program and obtained it with honors in 2013, where he organized the first solo exhibition of the american artist Cady Noland in France. He is still working as editor on the first anthology dedicated to Cady Noland. He did his art history master thesis on the canadian collective General Idea and a second curatorial thesis on net art. Since 2010 he worked as an exhibition assistant and project developer in several venues such as Galerie Art & Essai (Rennes), le Bon Accueil (space dedicated to sound art, Rennes), Le Cabinet du Livre d’Artiste (Rennes), Den Frie Centre for Contemporary Art (Copenhagen, Denmark). He also participate as curator assistant and coordinator for the 2nd edition of the Contemporary Art Biennal in Rennes as well as the 3rd edition in 2012. In 2011 he was redactor assistant within Critique d’art contemporary art journal where he published some writings. He is currently working as archive developer and exhibition assistant in SAVVY Contemporary in Berlin and also as a guest curator in Culturia, a project dedicated to artists’ writings.